Friday, April 11, 2008

Don't Wear Red Laces!!

Read this sarcasm riddled piece about Jessica Beaumont, who made the mistake of (gasp) exercising her freedom of speech!

Then make sure to discard any red shoe (or boot, in this case) laces you may have about.

The author does a great job of showing just absurd the government (via its proxy the CHRC) looks.


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Donate to defend Freedom Of Speech!

Well, one of Canada's most litigious men is at it again, this time attempting to squelch the free speech of a few more right - leaning folks who dared (gasp) to exercise their free speech, please visit the following sites and toss a few denarii their way to help with legal costs, as this could easily top $50,000 Canadian for each of them.

Ezra Levant
Small Dead Animals
Five Feet Of Fury
Free Dominion

Michelle Malkin Talks about it here:
Michelle Malkin

Read Ed Morrissey's
Post on the subject here

This attack on freedom has to stop, because this will just be the beginning if these attacks against bloggers succeed....

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Some links

Here are a couple of links to look over:

Ezra Levant Ezra shares his views on his and the battles of others against self-serving mini dictators at the Chrc and various provincial Hrcs.

(I don't always agree with him on everything, but I agree with his stand against the Chrc and mini Hrcs across Canada)

Free Dominion Free Dominion is site for conservative bloggers, oriented towards Canadians, they also have a battle with the Hrc in progress.

Since it is basically a blog, lots of jostling goes on, everyone has an opinion....

Thankfully, for the most part, we are all still entitled to our opinions and to voice them, that is unless the Chrc and their satellites get their way.
