Wednesday, May 24, 2006


This is cute:

Wizard of Id

Anyone in favour of sanctions should
think about it!

I hope you chuckle over this one as I did.


Saturday, May 20, 2006

Liberal (Read: left) definition of sensitivity

A brief break from the Davinci (no) code.

This article that Michelle Reports on, shows how ignorant
the so called "sensitive" left can be.
If some pubescent moron made the kind of comments
about my wife, that this useless git made about Michelle,
I would be absolutely fuming.

Is this what passes for tolerance and sensitivity on
the left?

How dense.

Friday, May 12, 2006

UPDATE: Nit - Pick

I've been looking for these posts:

And Here

I also have a couple of printed publications on
order, and will post references when they

Monday, May 08, 2006

Olympics And Davinci

O.K. I think I need to do one more nit – pick.

-- The Olympic Rings & the pentacle --

Langdon: (Character in the Code)
“Even fewer people knew that the five-pointed star had
almost become the official Olympic seal but was modified
at the last moment – it's five points exchanged for five
intersecting rings to better reflect the games' spirit of
inclusion and harmony.”

Let's see what a little research turns up:

“The flag features the emblem of the Olympic Games —
five interlocking rings (blue, yellow, black, green, and red
respectively) on a white field. This was originally designed
in 1913 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the
modern Olympic Games”

More: rings (From the horses mouth, so to speak)
There is no evidence to back the assertion that the pentacle
was to become the original modern Olympic symbol or that it was
modified at the last moment.

O.K. That was the nit – pick of the day.

More info to follow.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Davinci Code, a Christian response

And now, a quick break from our program.

Thank you.

One of the things I have been thinking about over the past
while: how should the Church and indeed the Christian respond
to the Davinci Code?



Letters/Phone calls of protest?

No, I think the best way to handle this is for people to prepare themselves,
this is a stellar opportunity for witness.


Yes an excellent opportunity. There has never been handed a more
golden opportunity to explain the historicity of the Bible, or about
the origins of the church, to the church and the body of believers.
Much is known (contrary to the belief of some) about the origins of
the Bible, and how the translations were arrived at.

The Davinci Code is a well written Murder/Mystery, Yes, you heard
me correctly, it is well written and suspenseful. If you are into
this type of novel (murder/mystery that is) you would enjoy it. But,
and this is very important, read it with a highlighter, if you choose
to purchase a copy. Or take notes. Then study what he passes as
history. Most everything he relates as history in this novel
is easily found in various history books and publications of
many sorts.

For example, my nit - pick about the Pyramid of I.M. Pei is
also noted in books about the Louvre, and the numbers
Brown uses don't jive with the books. I will dig for some
titles and ISBN numbers for you.

For non believing historians, as well as Christian historians,
there should be a desire for accuracy in discussions of history,
both secular and Christian alike are impacted when this form
of warping of history occurs.

For the Christian, approach any discussion on this issue with
prayer, and lots of research! Know what you are discussing
before discussing it.

2 more cents worth.

Davinci Code: A nit-pick

These maybe considered just nit - picks, but how can a man
who writes a book, then claims that all of the historical
information and ritual information is true make these mistakes:

The Pyramid in the Louvre (The Louvre is a Museum in Paris):
"constructed of exactly 666 panes of glass."

Whooops, according to the web site of the Louvre:

"It is made up of nearly eight hundred diamond- and triangle-
shaped glass panes especially designed by Saint-Gobain to offer
an ideal transparency."

See: Louvre Link

In the book, Brown also asserts that the Greeks based their
Olympic games on an eight-year cycle as a tribute to the planet
Venus, which in those days represented a goddess.

Ummm to quote Homer (Simpson) Doh!

The truth is that the Olympics were held in honour of the
Greek god Zeus. And ran in a four - year cycle, not one
of eight years......

See: Games
And: Here
Also: Here at The Archaeological Institute Of America

Notice that nowhere in the well known history of the Olympics
is it mentioned that they were held in honour of Venus?
Do we see a problem here?

More to come later.

The Davinci Code

(Or should that be The Davinci no code?)

Hype, hype and still more hype.

Well, history is one of my big loves, so I thought I would tackle this,
(as if there needs to be any more written about this subject.)
I am going to do a series of posts, starting with my next one, on the
flaws in the Code.

Why are people so willing to believe in poorly "researched"
publications such as Brown's book? At the least why do people not
check into the background of the material used to justify a position?
And why am I even bothering to touch on this subject, since this is after
all, just a fictional novel?

Well, the first two questions are impossible for me to answer, I'm not a
social psychologist, however as to the last question, I wouldn't have bothered
except for these statements in the opening of Browns book:

"The Priory of Sion - a European secret society founded in 1099 - is
a real organisation. In 1975 Paris's Bibliotheque Nationale discovered
parchments known as Les Dossiers Secrets, identifying numerous
members of the Priory of Sion, including Sir Isaac Newton,
Botticelli, Victor Hugo, and Leonardo Davinci."


"All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret
rituals in this novel are accurate."

That is what made my blood boil, since there are numerous bits of
history and basic information in his book which are skewed or just
plain false. The documents may be accurate (May, being the
opperative word here) but are they in context? Are/were the documents
genuine? Who were the historical sources?

My next post is going to be little more than a nit - pick.

But it adds to the rest of the information to show the flawed character
of this book as a historically accurate document. It may be good
reading, but as history? Well, let's see.

Stay tuned!